About Me

Monday, November 13, 2006

The Countdown Has Begun

So you people might be wondering what this is all about. Well ladies and gentleman, let me tell you a little something about me...

I'm 22. I'm Blonde. I'm Busty. I like to consider myself on the pretty side of average.

Oh and there's that little fact that I've not had sex for almost 1000 days. Well, 958 days to be exact.

So my co-workers put me up to this blog, encouraging me to document my experiences on my quest to achieve 1000 days of celibacy. Maybe I'll make it, Maybe I'll go insane. Who knows, I'm half-way to insanity anyway --- maybe it's time for some man-rape! (Oh yes people, there's more of that to come)

So people, join me! Join me on this both magical and pathetic quest of self-discovery. Join me on the quest for...

1000 Days of Celibacy!

Bloggers Note: Blog Entries prior to 2011 are available for your reading pleasure in 1000 Days of Celibacy: A Race Against the Cockatoo which is available for purchase at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com!


jest said...

I would probably just shoot myself already! I mean, what's the point.

1000 Days of Celibacy said...

What people don't realize is that the man leaving this comment is one of the reasons why I've chosen to be celibate. Sigh. Don't you love life?

inspiration3d said...

I'll do you. I've also gone too far long without it. And , I have a big penis!

Unknown said...

So inspiration3d, you can talk the talk and all... but who are you. Fill us all in!

Michael Demko said...

I can't make it through 1000 MINUTES, let alone 1000 days. Good luck!

Anyone taking bets on the over/under yet?

Brent said...

wow. so wait, are you a virgin? or you've had sex in the past?

Brent said...

wait, nevermind. i just actually read the post(i rarely do that).
sorry for using up your oxygen.

dejevue said...

I would like to say. good for you. A girl after my own heart, know what she wants and goes for it. The part that makes me wonder is this really what she wants. Hmmm.

eduardo von garcia "fashion photographer" said...

mmmmm very interesting. You deserve a very special person after you conquer your goal. Love eduardo

Chris P90x said...

1000 days is nothing! I am working on 1379 days. That is if one oral sex incident doesn't count.

Unknown said...

People... please feel free to help her stop the clock and not allow this 1,000 days to occur. Leave your info... i.e. email address or myspace link... messenger pigeon location... whatever!

inspiration3d said...

My names Kevin Dorman. I am interested! I'll hit that!http://www.myspace.com/ilikemen4sho

inspiration3d said...

I'll do you alllll night long. I live with my roommates. Don't worry, they're cool. Call me, seriously. 786.314.0885. Don't hesitate, I'm hung!

Unknown said...

your roomates are your mom and dad, puh-lease its because of people like you that she has gone without for so many days.

inspiration3d said...

so when you going to call? I reaaly think I can boink you so goood! Call me, but pretend you're some hot suductive chic ready to blow.

Ginny said...

so does cyber sex count? bc i could help you now lol unless lesbian cyber sex doesn't count either

dejevue said...

After reading some of the comments from the men here I am not sure this is working out for you. You are young and full of fun, so why torture yourself. Sex is for after you had the best day of your life with someone you cant stand to be away from more than 18 hours. That is taking the best day or night to a new level. That type of relationship is what you are looking for right? I have had that kind of relationship only a few times in my life and neither worked out. In my opinion; you are young, very good looking, intelligent, and BLOND so what is the problem. Maybe you are just going to the wrong places to meet the kind of guy you are really looking for. Take it from me here in South Florida the kind of guy so it seems that you are trying to find will not be on the Internet searching Blogs. The only reason I came across it is a girl from school told me to check it out, and she said she herd it from some guy on Craig’s List. Once again probably not the kind of place to go searching for a quality guy. Here is my list of places I go to meet girls, and if the girls are there so the men will follow. Jazz Clubs & Concerts, Museums, Cultural Centers, Art Showings, Theater (not movie; well sometimes), and the list goes on. One more thing, staying celibate does not mean you stop dating it just means you have stopped having sex with the men you are seeing. If these men don't stick around, they must have felt you were not worth the wait, therefore they are not worth your time;)

1000 Days of Celibacy said...

Dejevue, that was a very intelligent and sincere post. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts :)